Online Videos about the Solution-Focused Approach

Five Essential Principles of the Solution-Focused Approach (21 minutes)
Aiswarya Radhakrishna and Arnoud Huibers view the Solution-Focused Approach from above and beyond and discuss five organizing principles, including the importance of constructive language and working from a systemic perspective.
The Solution-Focused Approach has redefined therapy and counselling as it holds the basic assumption that clients have the required knowledge, skills, and resources to achieve their desired goals.
Dutch (Arnoud Huibers), English (the language of video), Finnish (Ben Furman), Italian (Nina Saarinen), Polish (Lidia Golba), Romanian (Ella Mihetz), Russian ( Alexey Mikhalsky), Spanish (Wara Sotomayor Márquez ) and Swedish (Kim Storm).
The Power of Resource-Activating Questions (16 minutes)
Introduction to Solution-Focused Therapy by Arnoud Huibers. The therapist has a choice, he/she can ask problem-activating questions that lead to ‘problem talk’ or can ask resource-activating questions leading to ‘solution talk’. Usually, a session is filled by problem-talk because the therapist asks a lot of questions about the details of the problem and the problem history of the client. Solution-focused therapists are more interested in finding out what the client wants instead of the problem. This paradigm-shift is discussed in this video.
Dutch (Arnoud Huibers), English (the language of video), Italian (Bernardo Paoli), Polish (Lidia Golba), Spanish (María Amelia Barrera Morales) and Swedish (Kim Storm).
Classroom Solutions (24 minutes)
Join Insoo Kim Berg and Arnoud Huibers as they introduce Solution-Focused dialogue to a classroom of 10-year-old children and their teachers in the Netherlands. Witness the remarkable journey of a school plagued by restlessness, negativity, and disruptive behaviour as they discover the power of setting goals, scaling progress, and embracing the children’s ideas for positive change. After three months of dedicated effort, hear from children, teachers, school counsellors, and the principal as they proudly share the remarkable transformations achieved within their school.
Subtitles are available in Chinese (Taiwan), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Japanese, Polish, and Spanish.
Kids’ Skills (19 minutes)
Dr. Ben Furman explains Kids’ Skills, the Solution-focused method that is used around the world to help children to overcome problems and difficulties. Books about Kids’ Skills have been translated into more than 20 languages.
Kids’Skills is amazingly easy to learn and practice. Instead of focusing on problems, you convert the children’s problems into skills for them to learn and help them acquire those skills with the help of their family and friends.
In this video, the founding father of Kids’Skills, Dr Ben Furman, explains the approach.
Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Korean, Persian, Polish, Portugese, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish.
Solution-Focused Circle Technique (21 minutes)
The solution-focused circle technique is a well-appreciated tool among mental health practitioners, educationalists and managers. In a limited time-span, the practitioner can learn about the aspirations, strengths and resources of the client, ingredients for a dynamic and successful solution-focused session. Both clients and professionals are impressed with the useful insights that the circle technique can produce in a short time.
The circle technique can be used in a variety of professional settings ranging from therapist and client, school counsellor and student, psychiatrist and patient, teacher and pupil, child psychologist and child, family therapist and family to manager and employee. The tool can also be used in groups and teams, at schools or at workplaces. This video provides guidelines for a skilful application of the solution-focused circle technique.
Chinese (Helen Yue), Dutch (language of video), English (Arnoud Huibers), Finnish (Ben Furman), Hungarian (Ákos Ostadal-Szedjei), Japanese (Yuichi Takenouchi), Spanish (Alejandra Hernández), Swedish (Kim Storm).
The Concept of Resistance has Disappeared (7 minutes)
Insoo Kim Berg, the co-founder of Solution Focused Brief Therapy, talks about the concept of resistance, a very common concept in the field of psychotherapy. Since Steve de Shazer wrote an article called “Death of Resistance”, the concept cannot be found anymore in the dictionary of the Solution Focused practitioners.
In this interview, Insoo explains how viewing our client as resistant come from expert-driven approaches and how the Solution-Focused Approach views ‘signs of resistance’ as an indication and as clients teaching us how to cooperate with them.
Learn how Insoo cooperates with clients by being open to their ideas and listening well. Insoo demonstrates the Solution-Focused posture as no-one else can!
English (original language) and Japanese (Yuichi Takenouchi).
Clients with an Intellectual Disability (35 minutes)
Interviewing for Solutions. Psychologist-psychotherapist Arnoud Huibers interviews a client with an intellectual disability. The client is actively involved in drawing up his support plan.
The solution-focused circle technique is used to inventory what is important in the client’s life, all the way from his own perspective. In the inner circle competencies and successes are collected and in the outer circle desired changes are formulated. The intrinsic motivation for the desired changes is already present and can therefore easily be included in his support program.
After completing the circles, the counsellor can start working on the desired changes from the outer circle.
Dutch and English.
WOWW – Working On What Works (60 min)
Insoo Kim Berg speaks at the 1st Asian Pacific Solution-Focused Conference in Singapore in 2006. The WOWW approach is an application of the Solution-focused psychology in schools, developed by Insoo, the American clinical psychologist Lee shilts and teacher Margaret Shilts. The Solution-Focused coach is called into the classroom and formulates goals together with the teacher and students, using the strengths and ideas of the students. Progress is questioned using scaling. An important part of the WOW approach is giving compliments, which students are generally not used to. Insoo tells in her charismatic way about the origin and functioning of WOWW. Enjoy it!
English and German.